

The Lookz Executive Management Platform can be accessed from anywhere, using your PC or personal laptop, the smartphone of your preference and even your favorite tablet. As long as you have a connection to the World Wide Web, you have access to your business.

Simplicity and Control


All the information you need to know about your operation, is displayed in easy to understand charts and graphs. You have more control, because you know more, and you know it immediately. Not only do you know it, but you also have the luxury of setting the parameters, so you can pay attention to your key areas before they fall of course.



Having the ability to compare and collaborate with your partner operations, means you have more bright minds backing every decision you make. With confidence in the solutions you come up with, you have the peace of mind knowing that you are on top of your game.



We do all the heavy lifting. The integration process is handled by our experienced implementation team. We will gather your data from any of your digital vendor sources, integrate with anything from your labor time tracker to even a simple spreadsheet. No matter what stage your company is currently at technologically, Lookz can bring you up to speed, and grow with you from your current level to the next.

Schedule a demo

Call or email to schedule an online demo of the Lookz healthcare industry model.