Have you been too busy to spend quality time with your loved ones? Never have time to really get to know your Employees or visit and connect with your customers? Worried constantly about your financial performance and where to start? Lookz will help you with all of that!

In mid 2013 we wanted to improve the process for daily business decisions. We thought about which elements hinder us from truly staying informed and on top of our business. What we discovered was, information is severely delayed, access to that information is limited and slow, and we needed to spend hours sifting through data to find the areas that were already way off track.
What if we developed a system that shows you your current status, with real live data, easily accessible on any device and in any place? What if that same system could show you the problem area before it actually becomes a problem.
That’s what we have done here at LOOKZ, and we are excited to share that with you.


As an Administrator, I spent countless hours creating spreadsheets to track and analyze the vital information I needed. I wanted to choose the correct path, but information was always days or weeks old and new problems had already presented themselves by the time I had analyzed the old data. Needless to say, it was driving me crazy!


Lookz Executive Platform makes it fast and easy to affect your operation when it’s needed. No matter where you are, you will always be informed about what’s going on.


Access your Executive Platform from anywhere using your Smart phone or Tablet.